
Creative Business Foundation and Framework

  Construct the foundation and frame work for your brick and mortar creative place of business with a seasonal forecast based on facts not fiction. Fashion forecasting teaches advance planning and preparation and creative business forecasting is no different. sonyamcclloughlockridge


  THE SELF PUBLISHING AND PRINTING SUMMIT is coming!   11/1/2023 - due to some REDIRECTION from the Lord, this event is currently planned for the final quarter of 2024!


Y’all! I am in utter AMAZEMENT over here! The site for CREATIVE BIZ Marathon is LIVE, after being dormant for 8 years. I wrote a WHERE ARE THEY NOW post back in 2015! And prior to that I had not posted on the site since the extended MARATHON! But, the other day, I was inspired to take this once AMAZING thing LIVe and then yesterday I was inspired again to purchase the domain again (I lost it at some point) and there it was just sitting there waiting for me. After, I lost it, I tried to buy it back, but another company had purchased and was using the domain. AND just like that, it’s all live again and everything! #onlyjesus Now, as for an UPDATE to WHERE THEY ARE NOW, know ....

Where are they now? An Unofficial InFlight Flyer Report {Sonya McCllough Lockridge}

It's been more than four years since we gathered in this online space for an around the clock business plan creation . So, I thought I would update you as to the status of the then Creative Biz Marathon Team. We are all still connected in some shape, form or fashion online and thankfully we are all still in flight! I can not begin to share with you what all has occurred in each life. But I know, without a doubt that we've all been on an adventure of wills because that is exactly what life is all about.   As for me, this week I am process of completing a Small Business Master Mind Class at my Bank and next week, we start the 2.0 version of the very same class. To have your banker as a life coach is no thing but a gift and I a thankful beyond measure. So, let's catch up with the original five creative biz flyers ... click on the links below to discover something new about ... Alease Michelle   Kelly Thiel Laura Otero Robin Norgren Sonya M...

sonya: new directions

If the Lord allows It ... is my plan to continue my business pursuits in a more divine, defined yet directed fashion. My plan is already in motion … due to my FATHER’s prompting … also, I'm the new Women's Ministry Coordinator for Southeast Baptist Church ... here in the Boro.  An invitation to Bible Study Fellowship is on my desk and I would super Love to meet Darren, right here in the US.